Issue 12, 2023

Ultrasensitive determination of α-glucosidase activity using CoOOH nanozymes and its application to inhibitor screening


In this work, a novel method for the colorimetric sensing of α-glucosidase (α-Glu) activity was developed based on CoOOH nanoflakes (NFs), which exhibit efficient oxidase-mimicking activity. Colorless 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) can be oxidized by CoOOH NFs into blue-colored oxidized TMB (oxTMB) in the absence of H2O2. L-Ascorbic acid-2-O-α-D-glucopyranose (AAG) can be hydrolysed by α-glucosidase to produce ascorbic acid, resulting in a significant decrease of catalytic activity of CoOOH NFs. Thus, a colorimetric α-glucosidase activity detection method was designed with a limit of detection of 0.0048 U mL−1. Furthermore, the designed sensing platform exhibits favorable applicability for the α-glucosidase (α-Glu) activity assay in real samples. Meanwhile, this method can be expanded to study the inhibitors of α-Glu. Finally, the as-proposed method combined with a smartphone would be a color recognizer, which was successfully applied for the determination of α-Glu activity in human serum samples.

Graphical abstract: Ultrasensitive determination of α-glucosidase activity using CoOOH nanozymes and its application to inhibitor screening

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Article information

Article type
28 Nov 2022
12 Feb 2023
First published
13 Feb 2023

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2023,11, 2727-2732

Ultrasensitive determination of α-glucosidase activity using CoOOH nanozymes and its application to inhibitor screening

D. Ma, J. Ge, A. Wang, J. Li, H. Yang, W. Zhai and R. Cai, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2023, 11, 2727 DOI: 10.1039/D2TB02580A

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