Issue 7, 2023

Phase behaviour of liquid crystalline dendronized fullerene binary mixtures


Here we describe liquid crystalline binary mixtures of [60]fullerene with a wedge-shaped tris-(alkyl)gallate group attached via a flexible spacer, where alkyls are n carbons long (C60-n). Phase behaviour was investigated as a function of blend composition. We show that the isotropization temperature is determined only by the volume fraction of the hydrocarbon moiety, irrespective of whether the material is a blend or a pure compound. Moreover, we find that above a certain fraction of the short-chain component, a transition appears from the low-temperature lamellar phase with triple layers of fullerene (LT) to a high-temperature phase containing quadruple fullerene layers (LQ). The LQ phase has an isotropization temperature 50–80 K higher than the LT phase. The behaviour of crystal melting suggests that there is a preference for the longer-chain component to occupy the outermost of the three fullerene layers of the LT phase. The extra-large lamellar thickness observed specifically in a 6 : 4 blend of C60-4 and C60-16 suggests the existence of a new superlattice with a structure yet to be determined. Our studies on the liquid crystalline binary blends provide a facile way to adjust the cross-sectional ratio of C60 and the hydrocarbon moiety, and deliberately tailor the desired level of cross-sectional mismatch. This in turn is likely to lead to further unusual soft matter self-assembly modes when adoption of interfacial curvature is not a solution for such a mismatch.

Graphical abstract: Phase behaviour of liquid crystalline dendronized fullerene binary mixtures

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 Nov 2022
14 Jan 2023
First published
16 Jan 2023

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 2647-2652

Phase behaviour of liquid crystalline dendronized fullerene binary mixtures

H. Lu, H. Zou, X. Chen, W. Zhang, B. Wang, Z. Cao and Y. Tu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 2647 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC05014E

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