Issue 33, 2023

Antiferromagnetic ordering and signatures of enhanced spin-frustration in honeycomb-layered tellurates with Ag bilayers


A low-dimensional magnetic system promotes strong interactions between quantum spins and leads to fascinating quantum phenomena. To realize quantum devices based on the spin-liquid ground state, a two-dimensional magnetic system with strong spin-frustration is highly desired. A honeycomb-layered tellurate with a 3d transition metal within its slabs is a potential system that can host Kitaev quantum spin-liquid although conclusive evidence for the spin-liquid phase has not been reported to date. This might be partially due to the presence of an interslab exchange coupling between magnetic honeycomb slabs which stabilizes antiferromagnetic ordering and potentially suppresses Kitaev interactions. Here, we report the magnetic and spin frustration properties of Ag-based honeycomb layered tellurates with magnetic honeycomb slabs separated by Ag bilayers which are expected to screen the interslab exchange coupling. From magnetization measurements, we observe antiferromagnetic ordering and signatures of enhanced spin-frustration for the tellurates containing Ag-bilayers relative to other honeycomb layered tellurates without bilayers. The results might be promising for the realization of the Kitaev quantum spin liquid.

Graphical abstract: Antiferromagnetic ordering and signatures of enhanced spin-frustration in honeycomb-layered tellurates with Ag bilayers

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Article type
02 Jun 2023
25 Jul 2023
First published
03 Aug 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 11213-11217

Antiferromagnetic ordering and signatures of enhanced spin-frustration in honeycomb-layered tellurates with Ag bilayers

S. Komori, K. Tada, N. Taguchi, T. Taniyama and T. Masese, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 11213 DOI: 10.1039/D3TC01915B

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