Issue 15, 2024

A three-dimensional network structure of metal-based nanozymes for the construction of colorimetric sensors for the detection of antioxidants


Although many excellent nanozymes have been developed, designing and synthesizing highly active nanozymes is still challenging. Here, we developed a metal-based nanozyme (metal = Co, Fe, Cu, Zn) with a three-dimensional network structure. It possesses excellent peroxidase activity and catalyzes the reaction between H2O2 and TMB to produce blue oxTMB, while antioxidants have different reducing power on the oxidation product of TMB (oxTMB), which leads to different absorbance and color changes. Using these color reactions, different nanozymes were used to form a colorimetric sensor array with seven antioxidants, and seven antioxidants were sensitively identified. And the differences between the three nanozymes were compared by density functional theory calculations and enzyme kinetic curve results. In conclusion, the colorimetric sensor array based on metal-based nanozymes provides a good strategy for the identification and detection of antioxidants, which has a broad application prospect.

Graphical abstract: A three-dimensional network structure of metal-based nanozymes for the construction of colorimetric sensors for the detection of antioxidants

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Article information

Article type
09 Dec 2023
11 Mar 2024
First published
11 Mar 2024

Anal. Methods, 2024,16, 2292-2300

A three-dimensional network structure of metal-based nanozymes for the construction of colorimetric sensors for the detection of antioxidants

S. Qin, B. Liu, Y. Xue, R. Zhao, G. Wang, K. Li, L. Zheng, P. Wang, T. Tang, Y. Yang, Z. Chen and X. Zuo, Anal. Methods, 2024, 16, 2292 DOI: 10.1039/D3AY02199H

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