Issue 2, 2024

Continuous selective conversion of methane to methanol over a Cu-KFI zeolite catalyst using a water–O2 mixture as the oxygen source


The continuous catalytic oxidation of methane to methanol on a Cu-KFI zeolite using water–O2 mixture as the oxidant is reported. A high methanol space-time yield of 880.3 mmol molCu−1 h−1 with 83% selectivity is achieved at 450 °C. Isotopic labelling experiments show that both H2O and O2 provide the oxygen source in this catalytic methane-to-methanol conversion reaction.

Graphical abstract: Continuous selective conversion of methane to methanol over a Cu-KFI zeolite catalyst using a water–O2 mixture as the oxygen source

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Article information

Article type
01 Nov 2023
22 Nov 2023
First published
29 Nov 2023

Chem. Commun., 2024,60, 228-231

Continuous selective conversion of methane to methanol over a Cu-KFI zeolite catalyst using a water–O2 mixture as the oxygen source

H. Zhang, J. Guo and Y. Cao, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 228 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC05379B

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