Issue 99, 2024

Soft optical materials based on the integration of perovskite nanostructures and block copolymers


Metal halide perovskites and their nanostructures have efficient optical absorption and emission in the visible range with high external quantum efficiency. They have been at the forefront of next-generation photovoltaics and optoelectronics applications. But several intrinsic limitations of perovskites including low stability and incompatibility with lithography-based patterning constrains their broader applications. In recent years, the integration of perovskites with polymers especially multifunctional block copolymers (BCPs) has provided a new approach to overcome those issues. The chemical composition and chain architecture of BCPs are critical for achieving synergistic effects with perovskites in their hybrid systems. In this Highlight review article, we provide an overview and critical summary of the recent progress in the creation of perovskite–BCP hybrid structures, with a focus on the different roles of BCPs. The major categories include: (i) BCPs act as the nanopattern template for the spatial control and patterning of perovskite; (ii) BCP micelles or stars act as the template for perovskite nanostructure crystallization; (iii) BCPs act as the macromolecular ligands for perovskite NCs during its solution synthesis; (iv) BCP encapsulation of perovskite NCs into hierarchical composite particles; and (v) BCP incorporation into bulk perovskite and forming bulk composite films. The applications of perovskite–BCP hybrid structures in various fields and the major current challenges are also identified and discussed.

Graphical abstract: Soft optical materials based on the integration of perovskite nanostructures and block copolymers

Article information

Article type
01 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
First published
25 Nov 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Commun., 2024,60, 14703-14716

Soft optical materials based on the integration of perovskite nanostructures and block copolymers

N. Shen, J. Bu, X. Liu and W. Xu, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 14703 DOI: 10.1039/D4CC05181E

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