In situ growth-etching synthesis of hierarchical SAPO-34 from recycled mother liquor for ethanol dehydration†
Hierarchical SAPO-34 zeolite catalysts were successfully synthesized via a one-step hydrothermal synthesis approach with the assistance of excess triethylamine (TEA). Compared with conventional SAPO-34 (SP-T3), SAPO-34 synthesized with a TEA/Al2O3 molar ratio of 9 (SP-T9) presents high catalytic performance in the ethanol dehydration reaction due to its pseudocubic morphology with abundant butterfly-like large secondary pores and slightly decreased surface acidity. Afterwards, a cost-effective and green route is developed for synthesizing hierarchical SAPO-34 catalysts by recycling waste mother liquids. In recycling processes, residual organic templates in the mother liquids are reused in the next synthesis of SAPO-34 without adding fresh templates. After three recycles of mother liquids, the synthesized SP-R3 catalyst still retains its high crystallinity, hierarchical structure, moderate acidity, and excellent catalytic performance in ethanol dehydration as compared to the initial SP-T9 catalyst.