Issue 2, 2024

The effect of weak π–π interactions on single-molecule electron transport properties of the tetraphenylethene molecule and its derivatives: a first-principles study


Intramolecular π–π interactions are a significant research focus in fields such as chemistry, biology, and materials science. Different configurations of benzene–benzene moieties within a molecule can affect the magnitude of their π–π interactions, consequently influencing the electronic transport capabilities of the molecule. In this study, we designed three π-conjugated molecules, TPEM, TPEEM, and TEEPM, based on tetraphenylethene (TPE). These three molecules exhibit three distinct π-conjugated structures: linear cis-π-conjugation, linear trans-π-conjugation, and cross-π-conjugation. Thereinto, TPEM and TPEEM molecules share the same TPE core, with identical π–π interaction distances, while the TEEPM molecule has acetylene groups between the TPE units, thereby increasing the π–π interaction distances between the benzene moieties. Using density functional theory calculations combined with non-equilibrium Green's function (DFT+NEGF), our results reveal that the conductance order of different π-conjugated structures in TPEM and TPEEM molecules is as follows: cis > cross ≈ trans. Through analysis of transmission spectra, transmission pathways, and the innermost π orbitals, we find that in TPEM and TPEEM molecules, the cis- and cross-π-conjugated structures exhibit π–π interactions between benzene moieties and provide special through-space electron transport pathways, enhancing their electronic transport capabilities in coordination with the bonded molecular framework, whereas their trans-conjugated structures only allow electron transport along the molecular backbone. In contrast, in TEEPM molecule, due to the absence of π–π interactions, the conductance of different π-conjugated structures is primarily determined by the molecular backbone and follows the order: trans > cis > cross. These findings provide a theoretical basis for designing single-molecule electronic devices with multiple electron channels based on intramolecular π–π interactions.

Graphical abstract: The effect of weak π–π interactions on single-molecule electron transport properties of the tetraphenylethene molecule and its derivatives: a first-principles study

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Article information

Article type
21 Sep 2023
17 Nov 2023
First published
21 Nov 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 1067-1076

The effect of weak π–π interactions on single-molecule electron transport properties of the tetraphenylethene molecule and its derivatives: a first-principles study

Z. Wang, Y. Li and M. Sun, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 1067 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP04593E

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