Issue 2, 2024

Design of J-aggregates-like oligomers built from squaraine dyes exhibiting transparency in the visible regime and high fluorescence quantum yield in the NIR region


New materials for transparent luminescent solar concentrators (TLSCs) are of large interest. Therefore, we investigated the optical properties of J-aggregates-like oligomers (hereinafter referred to as J-aggregates) based on covalently bound squaraine dyes in toluene solvent using DFT and TD-DFT methods. In addition, the rate constants needed for the prediction of fluorescence quantum yield (QY) have been calculated using Fermi's Golden rule and vertical harmonic approximation (VH) for ground and excited states. In the context of QY prediction, different broadening of the lineshape has also been employed. We found that J-aggregates based on squaraine dyes exhibit near-infrared (NIR) selective absorption and emission as well as high fluorescence QY. Comparison of the properties obtained for dimers, trimers and tetramers belonging to two classes (SQA and SQB) of J-aggregates allows us to select the tetramer of SQA J-aggregates as suitable for application. The scaling model for N ≥ 4 monomer subunits supports quantitative findings. Therefore, we propose J-aggregates containing N ≥ 4 subunits of SQA with a central squaric acid ring with two oxygen atoms in toluene solvent as a suitable candidate for TLSC application.

Graphical abstract: Design of J-aggregates-like oligomers built from squaraine dyes exhibiting transparency in the visible regime and high fluorescence quantum yield in the NIR region

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Article type
31 Oct 2023
04 Dec 2023
First published
05 Dec 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 1314-1321

Design of J-aggregates-like oligomers built from squaraine dyes exhibiting transparency in the visible regime and high fluorescence quantum yield in the NIR region

M. Bužančić Milosavljević and V. Bonačić-Koutecký, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 1314 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP05291E

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