The electronic and magnetic properties modulated by ferroelectric polarization switching in two-dimensional VSeTe/Sc2CO2 van der Waals heterostructures†
Exploring multiferroic materials that combine magnetic and ferroelectric properties is scientifically interesting and has important technical implications for many functions of nanoscale devices. In this work, spintronics and magnetoelectric coupling devices are proposed in two-dimensional (2D) layered ferromagnetic (FM)/ferroelectric (FE) van de Waals (vdW) heterostructures, VSeTe/Sc2CO2, employing density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The results indicate that the VSeTe/Sc2CO2 vdW heterostructure changes from a metal to a semiconductor in Sc2CO2-P↑ and Sc2CO2-P↓ polarization states. At the same time, the charge at the interface of the VSeTe/Sc2CO2 heterostructure will also be redistributed with the transformation of the ferroelectric polarization state, resulting in the change of the distribution of the electronic states near the Fermi level, and thus the change in the magnetic anisotropy energy (EMAE) of the heterostructure. Interestingly, biaxial strain brings reversibility and non-volatile regulation to the heterostructure of semiconductors and metals. The results provide an effective way to fabricate magnetoelectric coupling devices with 2D multiferroic heterostructures.