Issue 48, 2024

Mechanistic insights into CO2 reduction to CO by group 5 transition metal monoxide cations


The reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) by transition-metal oxides in the gas phase serves as a unique model system for understanding transition metal-based catalytic systems in CO2 utilization. In this work, thermochemistry and reaction mechanisms attributed to the two-state reactivity scenario of CO2 reduction by group 5 transition metal monoxide cations are extensively investigated using quantum chemical calculations. The interaction between the VO+ cation with CO2 exhibits an endothermic feature, whereas the reaction involving the TaO+ cation showcases a more pronounced exothermic behavior than the NbO+ cation, in accordance with previously reported reaction rates. Based on in-depth examinations of potential energy surfaces and spin–orbit couplings, it has been revealed that the reaction kinetics of CO2 reduction to CO by the VO+ cation is restricted not only by a significant energy barrier related to the singlet transition state, but also by the limited probability of intersystem crossing. For NbO+ and TaO+ cations, the spin inversion from triplet to singlet pathways becomes the rate-limiting step. The reaction with the TaO+ cation represents a different case from typical two-state reactivity patterns, where the minimum energy crossing point submerged relative to the reactants level stands for the exclusive barrier. A considerably higher probability of intersystem crossing was identified for the reaction of the TaO+ cation with CO2, elucidating the basis for the substantial increase in the rate constant compared to that of the NbO+ cation.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic insights into CO2 reduction to CO by group 5 transition metal monoxide cations

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Article information

Article type
21 Aug 2024
22 Nov 2024
First published
29 Nov 2024

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 29887-29894

Mechanistic insights into CO2 reduction to CO by group 5 transition metal monoxide cations

H. Yu, J. Han, Q. Su, P. Liu, S. Liu and X. Zhou, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 29887 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03278K

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