Issue 24, 2024

Sapiential battery systems: beyond traditional electrochemical energy


As indispensable energy-storage technology in modern society, batteries play a crucial role in diverse fields of 3C products, electric vehicles, and electrochemical energy storage. However, with the growing demand for future electrochemical energy devices, lithium-ion batteries as an existing advanced battery system face a series of significant challenges, such as time-consuming manual material screening, safety concerns, performance degradation, non-access in the off-grid state, poor environmental adaptability, and pollution from waste batteries. Accordingly, incorporating the characteristics of sapiential life into batteries to construct sapiential systems is one of the most engaging tactics to tackle the above issues. In this review, we introduce the concept of sapiential battery systems and provide a comprehensive overview of their core sapiential features, including materials genomics, non-destructive testing, self-healing, self-sustaining capabilities, temperature adaptation, and degradability, which endow batteries with higher performance and more functions. Moreover, the possible future research directions on sapiential battery systems are deeply discussed. This review aims to offer insights for designing beyond traditional electrochemical energy, meeting broader application scenarios such as ultra-long-endurance electric vehicles, wide-temperature energy storage, space exploration, and wearable electronic devices.

Graphical abstract: Sapiential battery systems: beyond traditional electrochemical energy

Article information

Article type
Review Article
29 Aug 2024
First published
11 Nov 2024

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024,53, 12043-12097

Sapiential battery systems: beyond traditional electrochemical energy

T. Zhang, J. Yu, H. Guo, J. Qi, M. Che, M. Hou, P. Jiao, Z. Zhang, Z. Yan, L. Zhou, K. Zhang and J. Chen, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, 53, 12043 DOI: 10.1039/D4CS00832D

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