Issue 8, 2024

Olefins from alcohols via catalytic acceptorless dehydrogenation coupling reactions


Olefins serve as essential building blocks for creating a wide range of molecular structures, including pharmaceuticals, polymers, and various natural products. In recent years, homogeneous transition-metal catalysis has emerged as a highly efficient method for synthesizing carbon–carbon double bonds in a cascade manner. Among the various approaches to introducing unsaturation, the catalytic acceptorless dehydrogenation coupling (ADC) reactions stand out due to their atom economy and eco-benign characteristics. By dehydrogenating alcohol, ADC produces aldehydes or ketones, which then undergo a condensation reaction with another molecule to yield an unsaturated product. The only byproducts of this process are H2 and H2O, which make the ADC reaction superior to the traditional way of producing chemicals. Surprisingly, despite the significance of olefins, there is currently no dedicated review article that specifically addresses catalytic routes to olefins from alcohols (A2O) via the ADC method. This review article aims to highlight the latest advancements in olefination reactions involving various substrates, including carbonyl compounds, phosphorus ylides and substrates with acidic α-hydrogens (such as sulfones, alkyl-substituted N-heteroarenes, and nitriles). Various aspects of metal–ligand cooperation (MLC) and their application are also discussed in brief detail. MLC involving bi-functional catalysts, where the metal center and the ligand jointly participate in the reaction, has shown great potential in ADC reactions. By exploring these catalytic pathways, we hope to inspire researchers to develop novel methods for olefin synthesis using abundant feedstocks.

Graphical abstract: Olefins from alcohols via catalytic acceptorless dehydrogenation coupling reactions

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 Dec 2023
16 Feb 2024
First published
01 Mar 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024,14, 2064-2089

Olefins from alcohols via catalytic acceptorless dehydrogenation coupling reactions

T. K. Roy, R. Babu, G. Sivakumar, V. Gupta and E. Balaraman, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, 14, 2064 DOI: 10.1039/D3CY01800H

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