Issue 5, 2024

Construction and screening of spin-crossover-sponge materials based on iron(ii)-triazole coordination polymers


Iron(II)-triazole coordination polymers have attracted considerable interest for their synthetic versatility, which allows tuning their spin-crossover (SCO) properties. Embedding SCO solid particles in sponge matrices is a simple, powerful, and generic approach to construct processable SCO materials. Here, we have studied a series of magnetic frameworks based on partial ligand substitution by using different chemical mixtures of two organic ligands, yielding four isostructural coordination polymers. The integration of the hygroscopic SCO material has endowed the composite sponge with the ability to capture moisture under ambient conditions. In particular, not only does a spin-crossover transition during absorption occur, but also a color variation has been achieved by varying humidity. The consequences of cooperativity and the exposed surface of the composite sponge on the spin transition were evaluated and the most promising materials among them were screened. This work provides guiding significance for the fabrication and practical application of spin-crossover-sponge materials.

Graphical abstract: Construction and screening of spin-crossover-sponge materials based on iron(ii)-triazole coordination polymers

Article information

Article type
23 Oct 2023
23 Nov 2023
First published
29 Dec 2023

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 2333-2340

Construction and screening of spin-crossover-sponge materials based on iron(II)-triazole coordination polymers

F. Zeng, X. Jin, J. Zhao, S. Zhang, C. Xue and Y. Luo, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 2333 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03531J

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