Issue 10, 2024

Edge-sharing bi-octahedral diruthenium(iv,iv) compounds containing Ru–Ru bonds chelated and bridged by two carbonate and two oxo groups


From paddle–wheel starting material Na3Ru2(CO3)4·6H2O, a family of edge-sharing bi-octahedral (ESBO) diruthenium(IV,IV) compounds formulated as Ru2O2(CO3)2(H2O)2L2·nH2O [L = piperazine (1) or 2-methylpiperazine (2), n = 4, and L = 2,2-dimethylpiperazine (3), n = 12] and Ru2O2(CO3)2(OH)4{M(H2O)4}2·nH2O [M = Mg (4), n = 4, and Ni (5), n = 2] were prepared and structurally characterized. The Ru28+ dimer is chelated and bridged by two CO32− and two μ-O in a trans manner, and the Ru–Ru distances fall in the range 2.3808(6)–2.4001(4) Å. Compound 2 shows the shortest Ru–Ru distance for all known ESBO Ru2 compounds reported thus far. Increasing –CH3 groups of terminal piperazine ligands coordinated to the Ru(μ-O)2(μ-O3C)2Ru core, and according to Raman spectra experiments combined with theoretical calculations, the intense bands of compounds 1–3 appearing at ∼360 cm−1 can be assigned to the stretching of Ru–Ru bonds.

Graphical abstract: Edge-sharing bi-octahedral diruthenium(iv,iv) compounds containing Ru–Ru bonds chelated and bridged by two carbonate and two oxo groups

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Article information

Article type
17 Nov 2023
12 Jan 2024
First published
30 Jan 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 4598-4606

Edge-sharing bi-octahedral diruthenium(IV,IV) compounds containing Ru–Ru bonds chelated and bridged by two carbonate and two oxo groups

Y. He, M. Zhang, W. Huang, X. Xue, Z. Zhou, L. Feng, J. Yang and B. Liu, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 4598 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03864E

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