Issue 12, 2024

Nano-TiO2 and elevated temperature impair intestinal health in crabs via a mussel-based food chain


Nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2) is a ubiquitous contaminant in the marine environment that accumulates in sediments and biological tissues. Coupled with global warming, these challenges can enhance the deleterious properties of nano-TiO2, leading to compounded pollution effects on marine life and ecosystems. This study investigated the effects of nano-TiO2 and increased temperatures on the Japanese swimming crab's gut microbiota and digestive system, Charybdis japonica, through different scenarios. We employed three exposure scenarios: direct exposure (DE) of the crabs to warming and nano-TiO2, indirect exposure (IE) through consumption of mussels Mytilus coruscus subjected to the same conditions, and combined exposure (CE), where crabs were directly exposed to warming and nano-TiO2 while consuming affected mussels. Additionally, a control group was established, comprising Japanese crab C. japonica and thick-shelled mussel M. coruscus that were reared under standard temperature (22 °C, the average annual temperature in the region where the mussels and crabs were sampled) and 0 mg L−1 nano-TiO2 concentration conditions. The findings indicated that warming and nano-TiO2 disrupted the crabs' ATP production, digestive responses, and body chemical composition, leading to intestinal flora dysfunction. Notably, nano-TiO2 exerted a stronger impact on the crabs' digestive enzymes and intestinal flora than warming alone; however, the concurrent presence of warming and nano-TiO2, especially under the direct exposure (DE) conditions, generally exacerbated the negative effects of nano-TiO2. This research provides valuable insights into the implications of nano-TiO2 and elevated temperature on the digestive responses of marine crabs.

Graphical abstract: Nano-TiO2 and elevated temperature impair intestinal health in crabs via a mussel-based food chain

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Article information

Article type
22 Jul 2024
24 Sep 2024
First published
08 Oct 2024

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2024,11, 4698-4716

Nano-TiO2 and elevated temperature impair intestinal health in crabs via a mussel-based food chain

R. E. Amouri, Z. Tu, M. H. Abo-Raya, X. Wang, Y. Shi, M. Hu and Y. Wang, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2024, 11, 4698 DOI: 10.1039/D4EN00657G

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