Issue 9, 2024

Portable platform for leukocyte extraction from blood using sheath-free microfluidic DLD


Leukocyte count is routinely performed for diagnostic purposes and is rapidly emerging as a significant biomarker for a wide array of diseases. Additionally, leukocytes have demonstrated considerable promise in novel cell-based immunotherapies. However, the direct retrieval of leukocytes from whole blood is a significant challenge due to their low abundance compared to erythrocytes. Here, we introduce a microfluidic-based platform that isolates and recovers leukocytes from diluted whole blood in a single step. Our platform utilizes a novel, sheathless method to initially sediment and focus blood cells into a dense stream while flowing through a tubing before entering the microfluidic device. A hexagonal-shaped structure, patterned at the device's inlet, directs all the blood cells against the channel's outer walls. The focused cells are then separated based on their size using the deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) microfluidic technique. We evaluated various parameters that could influence leukocyte separation, including different focusing structures (assessed both computationally and experimentally), the orientation of the tubing-chip interface, the effects of blood sample hematocrit (dilution), and flow rate. Our device demonstrated the ability to isolate leukocytes from diluted blood with a separation efficiency of 100%, a recovery rate of 76%, and a purity of 80%, while maintaining a cell viability of 98%. The device operates for over 30 min at a flow rate of 2 μL min−1. Furthermore, we developed a handheld pressure controller to drive fluid flow, enhancing the operability of our platform outside of central laboratories and enabling near-patient testing. Our platform can be integrated with downstream cell-based assays and analytical methods that require high leukocyte purity (80%), ranging from cell counting to diagnostics and cell culture applications.

Graphical abstract: Portable platform for leukocyte extraction from blood using sheath-free microfluidic DLD

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2024
12 Apr 2024
First published
15 Apr 2024

Lab Chip, 2024,24, 2575-2589

Portable platform for leukocyte extraction from blood using sheath-free microfluidic DLD

O. G. Chavez-Pineda, R. Rodriguez-Moncayo, A. M. Gonzalez-Suarez, P. E. Guevara-Pantoja, J. L. Maravillas-Montero and J. L. Garcia-Cordero, Lab Chip, 2024, 24, 2575 DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00132J

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