Understanding improved capacity retention at 4.3 V in modified single crystal Ni-rich NMC//graphite pouch cells at elevated temperature†
The capacity retention of commercially-sourced pouch cells with single crystal Al surface-doped Ni-rich cathodes (LiNi0.834Mn0.095Co0.071O2) is examined. The degradation-induced capacity fade becomes more pronounced as the upper-cut-off voltage (UCV) increases from 4.2 V to 4.3 V (vs. graphite) at a fixed cycling temperature (either 25 or 40 °C). However, cycles with 4.3 V UCV (slightly below the oxygen loss onset) show better capacity retention upon increasing the cycling temperature from 25 °C to 40 °C. Namely, after 500 cycles at 4.3 V UCV, cycling temperature at 40 °C retains 85.5% of the initial capacity while cycling at 25 °C shows 75.0% capacity retention. By employing a suite of electrochemical, X-ray spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry techniques, we attribute the temperature-induced improvement of the capacity retention at high UCV to the combined effects of Al surface-dopants, electrochemically resilient single crystal Ni-rich particles, and thermally-improved Li kinetics translating into better electrochemical performance. If cycling remains below the lattice oxygen loss onset, improved capacity retention in industrial cells should be achieved in single crystal Ni-rich cathodes with the appropriate choice of cycling parameter, particle quality, and particle surface dopants.