Small molecule targeted therapies for endometrial cancer: progress, challenges, and opportunities
Endometrial cancer (EC) is a common malignancy among women worldwide, and its recurrence makes it a common cause of cancer-related death. Surgery and external radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of strategies are the cornerstone of therapy for EC patients. However, adjuvant treatment strategies face certain drawbacks, such as resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs; therefore, it is imperative to explore innovative therapeutic strategies to improve the prognosis of EC. With the development of pathology and pathophysiology, several biological targets associated with EC have been identified, including PI3K/Akt/mTOR, PARP, GSK-3β, STAT-3, and VEGF. In this review, we summarize the progress of small molecule targeted therapies in terms of both basic research and clinical trials and provide cases of small molecules combined with fluorescence properties in the clinical applications of integrated diagnosis and treatment. We hope that this review will facilitate the further understanding of the regulatory mechanism governing the dysregulation of oncogenic signaling in EC and provide insights into the possible future directions of targeted therapeutic regimens for EC treatment by developing new agents with fluorescence properties for the clinical applications of integrated diagnosis and treatment.