Issue 3, 2024

Physiological sensing system integrated with vibration sensor and frequency gel dampers inspired by spider


Recent advances in bioelectronics in mechanical and electrophysiological signal detection are remarkable, but there are still limitations because they are inevitably affected by environmental noise and motion artifacts. Thus, we develop a gel damper-integrated crack sensor inspired by the vibration response of the viscoelastic cuticular pad and slit organs in a spider. Benefitting from the specific crack structure design, the sensor possesses excellent sensing behaviors, including a low detection limit (0.05% strain), ultrafast response ability (3.4 ms) and superior durability (>300 000 cycles). Such typical low-amplitude fast response properties allow the ability to accurately perceive vibration frequency and waveform. In addition, the gel damper exhibits frequency-dependent dynamic mechanical behavior that results in improved stability and reliability of signal acquisition by providing shock resistance and isolating external factors. They effectively attenuate external motion artifacts and low-frequency mechanical noise, resulting in cleaner and more reliable signal acquisition. When the gel damper is combined with the crack-based vibration sensor, the integrated sensor exhibits superior anti-interference capability and frequency selectivity, demonstrating its effectiveness in extracting genuine vocal vibration signals from raw voice recordings. The integration of damping materials with sensors offers an efficient approach to improving signal acquisition and signal quality in various applications.

Graphical abstract: Physiological sensing system integrated with vibration sensor and frequency gel dampers inspired by spider

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Article information

Article type
18 Oct 2023
09 Nov 2023
First published
14 Nov 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 822-834

Physiological sensing system integrated with vibration sensor and frequency gel dampers inspired by spider

J. Huang, A. Chen, J. Liao, S. Han, Q. Wu, J. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Lin and L. Guan, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 822 DOI: 10.1039/D3MH01719B

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