Bicolour, large area, inkjet-printed metal halide perovskite light emitting diodes†
We demonstrate a bicoloured metal halide perovskite (MHP) light emitting diode (LED) fabricated in two sequential inkjet printing steps. By adjusting the printing parameters, we selectively and deliberately redissolve and recrystallize the first printed emissive layer to add a pattern emitting in a different color. The red light emitting features (on a green light emitting background) have a minimum size of 100 μm and originate from iodide-rich domains in a phase-segregated, mixed MHP. This phase forms between the first layer, a bromide-based MHP, which is partially dissolved by printing, and the second layer, an iodide-containing MHP. With an optimised printing process we can retain the active layer integrity and fabricate bicolour, large area MHP-based LEDs with up to 1600 mm2 active area. The two emission peaks at 535 nm and 710 nm are well separated and produce a strong visual contrast.