Enhanced power factor and suppressed lattice thermal conductivity of CoSb3 skutterudite via Ni substitution and nanostructuring for high thermoelectric performance†
Nanostructured Ni-substituted Co1−xNixSb3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.08) samples were synthesized using a hydrothermal method. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the phase purity of the samples, and a secondary phase was observed in samples with higher Ni substitution ratios (x ≥ 0.06). SEM and TEM images reveal the spherical morphology of the samples with monodispersed particles. Different modes of optic phonon vibrations were observed in Raman spectra, and the intensity of the peaks increased with Ni content and slightly decreased in samples with x values ≥0.06. The electrical resistivity of the samples decreased with Ni content up to an x value of 0.06 and slightly increased in Co0.92Ni0.08Sb3 due to secondary phase formation. The positive Seebeck coefficient values of pure CoSb3 confirm that holes were the majority carriers, whereas the negative Seebeck coefficients of Co1−xNixSb3 samples reveal that Ni substitution enhanced electron concentration in the sample. Co0.96Ni0.04Sb3 exhibited a higher power factor compared with other samples due to its low resistivity. Ni substitution in CoSb3 effectively reduced lattice thermal conductivity (κL) as Co0.96Ni0.04Sb3 showed a lower κL of 2.0 W m−1 K−1 than that of the pure sample due to nanostructuring and the rattling effect of Ni. As a result, a figure of merit of 1.72 was achieved at 553 K for the Co0.96Ni0.04Sb3 sample.