Issue 14, 2024

Study of a charge transition-driven resistive switching mechanism in TiO2-based random access memory via density functional theory


The nature of the conducting filament (CF) with a high concentration of oxygen vacancies (VOs) in oxide thin film-based resistive random access memory (RRAM) remains unclear. The VOs in the CF have been assumed to be positively charged (VO2+) to explain the field-driven switching of RRAM, but VO2+ clusters in high concentration encounter Coulomb repulsion, rendering the CF unstable. Therefore, this study examined the oxidation state of VOs in the CF and their effects on the switching behavior via density functional theory calculations using a Pt/TiO2/Ti model system. It was concluded that the VOs in the CF are in a low oxidation state but are transformed to VO2+ immediately after release from the CF. In addition, the short-range interactions between VOs were confirmed to facilitate the rupture and rejuvenation of the CF by reducing the required activation energy. Finally, an improved switching model was proposed by considering the charge transition of VOs, providing a plausible explanation for the reported coexistence of two opposite bipolar switching polarities: the eight-wise and the counter-eight-wise polarities.

Graphical abstract: Study of a charge transition-driven resistive switching mechanism in TiO2-based random access memory via density functional theory

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Article type
27 Dec 2023
26 Feb 2024
First published
29 Feb 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 6949-6960

Study of a charge transition-driven resistive switching mechanism in TiO2-based random access memory via density functional theory

T. Jeong, I. W. Yeu, K. H. Ye, S. Yoon, D. Kim, C. S. Hwang and J. Choi, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 6949 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR06614B

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