Issue 48, 2024

Optimizing TDP-43 silencing with siRNA-loaded polymeric nanovectors in neuronal cells for therapeutic applications: balancing knockdown and function


TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is a ubiquitously expressed DNA/RNA binding protein critical for regulating gene expression, including transcription, splicing, mRNA stability, and protein translation. Aggregation of pathological TDP-43 proteins in the cytoplasm of neurons and glial cells appears to be a common feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative diseases such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD), contributing to motor neuron degeneration and clinical symptoms. Downregulation of TDP-43 expression to prevent or reduce the formation of pathological aggregates is a potential therapeutic approach for treating TDP-43-related diseases. However, therapeutic strategies to reduce TDP-43 aggregation face significant challenges, as the downregulation of TDP-43 must balance the need to maintain its normal functions, which are essential for RNA metabolism and cellular homeostasis. In this study, we developed novel polymeric nanovectors for the delivery of TDP-43 siRNAs in neuronal cells. These nanovectors were designed to provide adequate TDP-43 silencing to achieve the desired functional reduction of TDP-43 levels, thereby optimizing its impact on cellular functions. Our results demonstrate that the polymeric nanovector formulations effectively reduced TDP-43 mRNA and protein levels to an extent comparable to those observed with traditional lipid-based systems. Concurrently, the polymeric nanovectors exhibited an enhanced capacity to reduce stress granules (SG) formation and facilitate TDP-43-containing SG disassembly, while preserving its essential cellular functions. This study provides the first evidence that polymeric nanovectors may be a valuable tool for developing therapeutic strategies to treat TDP-43 protein diseases, such as ALS and FTD, by directly silencing TDP-43 to reduce its aggregation.

Graphical abstract: Optimizing TDP-43 silencing with siRNA-loaded polymeric nanovectors in neuronal cells for therapeutic applications: balancing knockdown and function

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Article type
31 Jul 2024
31 Oct 2024
First published
04 Nov 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 22337-22349

Optimizing TDP-43 silencing with siRNA-loaded polymeric nanovectors in neuronal cells for therapeutic applications: balancing knockdown and function

A. Russo, G. Maiorano, B. Cortese, S. D'Amone, A. Invidia, A. Quattrini, A. Romano, G. Gigli and I. E. Palamà, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 22337 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR03159H

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