Issue 23, 2024

Sulfonylcalix[4]arene-based Al4 clusters: three aluminum oxo clusters with different coordinated solvents for the CO2 cycloaddition reaction


Calixarene compounds are widely used in molecular recognition, complexation, extraction, catalysis, medicine, etc., and these properties are closely related to the bonded metal ions. Although the metal clusters constructed using calixarene and its derivatives have achieved great progress, Al clusters based on these macrocyclic ligands are still in the preliminary research stage due to the obvious hydrolysis of Al3+ ions in solution. It is a great challenge to obtain high-quality measurable single crystals of aluminum oxo clusters (AlOCs). Herein, we used an oxygen-rich organic macrocyclic ligand of p-tertbutylsulfonylcalix[4]arene (H4BTC4A-SO2) to synthesize three Al4 clusters with formulas Al4(OH)2(BTC4A-SO2)2(MeO)2(DMA)2(MeOH)2 (Al4-DMA·MeOH), Al4(OH)4(BTC4A-SO2)2(DMA)4 (Al4-DMA), and Al4(OH)4(BTC4A-SO2)2(DMF)4 (Al4-DMF) which are combined by different solvents. Interestingly, the cycloaddition of carbon dioxide proves that the three AlOCs with different coordinated solvents exhibit different catalytic activities and Al4-DMF shows the highest catalytic yield up to 99%. This work not only reveals three interesting calixarene-based Al cluster structures, but also realizes the regulation of catalytic activities for the reaction of the cycloaddition of carbon dioxide. This provides insights into the assembly of AlOCs and their study as catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Sulfonylcalix[4]arene-based Al4 clusters: three aluminum oxo clusters with different coordinated solvents for the CO2 cycloaddition reaction

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
04 Sep 2024
20 Oct 2024
First published
23 Oct 2024

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024,11, 8502-8509

Sulfonylcalix[4]arene-based Al4 clusters: three aluminum oxo clusters with different coordinated solvents for the CO2 cycloaddition reaction

X. Liu, L. Guo, W. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Tian, L. Zhao, X. Li, J. Li and G. Wang, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, 11, 8502 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02096K

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