Issue 1, 2024, Issue in Progress

Intermolecular interactions in mixed dye systems and the effects on dye wastewater treatment processes


Dye wastewater discharge is a critical concern across textiles, paper, cosmetics, and other industries. This study explores the impact of dye–dye interactions on chemical coagulation and ultrafiltration process. Using basic and reactive dyes, representing cationic and anionic compounds, the intricate interplay between these dyes was examined through spectroscopic analysis. Remarkably, interactions between dyes of opposite charges exhibited significant effects on both techniques. Electrostatic attractions played a key role. Positive coagulant hydrolysates selectively attracted negative dyes, while negatively charged membranes effectively captured positive dyes. Combining dyes with opposite charges resulted in enhanced removal efficiency, addressing challenging dyes collectively. This discovery offers a novel approach to improving dye removal, utilizing opposite-charged dye mixtures can tackle stubborn dyes unmanageable by conventional methods.

Graphical abstract: Intermolecular interactions in mixed dye systems and the effects on dye wastewater treatment processes

Article information

Article type
16 Mar 2023
07 Nov 2023
First published
02 Jan 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 373-381

Intermolecular interactions in mixed dye systems and the effects on dye wastewater treatment processes

D. Cai, Y. Zhang, J. Li, D. Hu, M. Wang, G. Zhang and J. Yuan, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 373 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA01733H

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