Issue 20, 2024

Understanding charge transport and dielectric relaxation properties in lead-free Cs2ZrCl6 nanoparticles


In the exploration of perovskite materials devoid of lead and appropriate for capturing solar energy, a recent finding has surfaced concerning Cs2ZrCl6. This compound has attracted interest as a potential candidate, displaying advantageous optical and electrical features, coupled with remarkable durability under environmental stresses. This research outlines the effective production of non-toxic metal halide nanoparticles of Cs2ZrCl6 using the gradual cooling technique. Thorough examinations have been conducted to explore the structural, optical, and dielectric traits. Over the frequency range of 101–106 Hz, the dielectric constant, loss factor, electric modulus, and electrical conductivity of Cs2ZrCl6 exhibit a strong dependence on temperature. The Nyquist plot confirms the distinct contributions of grains and grain boundaries to the total impedance. In the high-frequency region, the dielectric constant tends to increase with temperature. In accordance with the modified Kohlrausch–Williams–Watts (KWW) equation, an asymmetric nature corresponding to the non-Debye type is observed in the electric modulus spectra at different temperatures. Furthermore, the imaginary part of the electric modulus spectrum shifts from the non-Debye type towards the Debye type with increasing temperature, despite not obtaining an exact Debye response. The frequency-dependent behavior of AC conductivity has been modeled using Joncher's universal law. The conduction mechanism within the Cs2ZrCl6 compound is attributed to the small polaron tunneling model (NSPT). Furthermore, Cs2ZrCl6 has the potential to function as an energy harvesting device due to its elevated dielectric constant combined with minimal dielectric loss.

Graphical abstract: Understanding charge transport and dielectric relaxation properties in lead-free Cs2ZrCl6 nanoparticles

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Article type
17 Mar 2024
24 Apr 2024
First published
30 Apr 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 14221-14232

Understanding charge transport and dielectric relaxation properties in lead-free Cs2ZrCl6 nanoparticles

M. Ben Bechir, M. Akermi and H. J. Alathlawi, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 14221 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA02031F

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