Precursor engineering for soft selective synthesis of phase pure metal-rich digenite (Cu9S5) and djurleite (Cu31S16) nanocrystals and investigation of their photo-switching characteristics†
Copper sulfide nanostructures have evolved as one of the most technologically important materials for energy conversion and storage owing to their economic and non-toxic nature and superior performances. This paper presents a direct, scalable synthetic route aided by a single source molecular precursor (SSP) approach to access copper sulfide nanomaterials. Two SSPs, CuX(dmpymSH)(PPh3)2 (where X = Cl or I), were synthesized in quantitative yields and thermolyzed under appropriate conditions to afford the nanostructures. The analysis of the nanostructures through pXRD, EDS and XPS suggested that phase pure digenite (Cu9S5) and djurleite (Cu31S16) nanostructures were isolated from –Cl and –I substituted SSPs, respectively. The morphologies of the as-synthesized nanomaterials were investigated using electron microscopy techniques (SEM and TEM). DRS studies on pristine materials revealed blue shifted optical band gaps, which were found to be optimum for photoelectrochemical application. A prototype photoelectrochemical cell fabricated using the pristine nanostructures exhibited a stable photo-switching property, which presents these materials as suitable economic and environmentally friendly photon absorber materials.