Issue 12, 2024

A simplified chemical kinetic model with a reaction mechanism based on a multidimensional average error iteration method for ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen combustion


Ammonia (NH3) is emerging as a promising fuel due to its high energy density, high hydrogen content, and zero carbon emissions from combustion. The study of chemical kinetics in NH3 combustion offers theoretical approaches to address its low reactivity and high nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, especially in binary fuels with hydrogen (H2), which have been shown to positively affect NH3 combustion systems. However, existing NH3/H2 models have various defects under different conditions. In this study, we develop a simplified NH3/H2 chemical kinetics model that is comprehensively validated using a large amount of representative experimental literature data, including ignition delay time, laminar flame speeds, and species concentration profiles. The model is analyzed using an innovative multidimensional average error iteration method, ensuring that the overall average error remains within 5%. Subsequently, the model is simplified by removing unnecessary components and reaction steps through the direct relation graph with error propagation method, reducing computational consumption. The combustion results of the pure NH3 and NH3/H2 mixtures under most conditions are highly consistent with those of the new model. By conducting sensitivity and productivity analyses, we determined the key reactions controlling fuel reactivity under different H2 ratios and the important interactions between intermediate products are described in detail. Additionally, the different reaction directions of NH3 and the principle of NOx generation under high H2 conditions are elucidated through these analyses and reaction pathway diagrams.

Graphical abstract: A simplified chemical kinetic model with a reaction mechanism based on a multidimensional average error iteration method for ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen combustion

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Article information

Article type
06 Jun 2024
09 Sep 2024
First published
10 Sep 2024

React. Chem. Eng., 2024,9, 3153-3171

A simplified chemical kinetic model with a reaction mechanism based on a multidimensional average error iteration method for ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen combustion

D. Yue, C. Zhao, R. Sun, J. Jiang, C. Sui, X. Zhong and B. Zhang, React. Chem. Eng., 2024, 9, 3153 DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00274A

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