Self-assembled monolayers for electrostatic electrocatalysis and enhanced electrode stability in thermogalvanic cells†
Waste heat is ubiquitous; as such, sustainable and long-lasting devices are required to convert it into more useful forms of energy that can make use of this abundant potential resource. Thermogalvanic cells (or thermocells) can use the thermoelectrochemical properties of redox couples to achieve this; entropy-driven redox reactions allow them to act as liquid thermoelectrics. However, excellent electrocatalysis at the electrode surface is required for optimum conversion efficiency. Serendipitous observation of Nafion-based electrocatalysis prompted the exploration of electrostatically charged self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) inside a thermocell. Both electrostatic electrocatalysis and improved electrode stability were observed; in an aqueous K3[Fe(CN)6]/K4[Fe(CN)6]-based cell, modification with (3-trimethylammonium bromide)thiopropane resulted in higher electrical power, and protection against [Fe(CN)6]3−/4−-induced gold passivation, relative to bare gold. Molecular-based electrostatic electrocatalysis could be an alternative to precious metal-based nanomaterial electrocatalysis, and could be integrated with (nano)carbon-based electrodes to further enhance the ability of thermogalvanic and other electrochemical energy conversion devices, e.g. redox flow batteries.