Competition between ion–ion electrostatic correlations and hydrodynamic slip radically changes diffusioosmosis
Existing theories can predict separately the effects of hydrodynamic slip and ion–ion electrostatic correlations on diffusioosmosis. However, a predictive model for the coupled dynamics of hydrodynamic slip and electrostatic correlations in diffusioosmosis is lacking. In this work, we develop a mathematical model to compute the diffusioosmotic mobilities of valence-symmetric electrolytes in a charged parallel-plate channel. We employ the Navier slip condition to model the hydrodynamic slip at the channel walls and the modified Poisson equation to model ion–ion electrostatic correlations. We report two key findings arising from the competition between electrostatic correlations and hydrodynamic slip, which radically change diffusioosmosis. First, in a divalent electrolyte, a minute hydrodynamic slip defers the reversal in the direction of diffusioosmosis caused by electrostatic correlations to a higher concentration. Hydrodynamic slip can even eliminate the diffusioosmosis reversal in a monovalent electrolyte. Second, electrostatic correlations limit the change in the mobility due to hydrodynamic slip, by hindering the slip-enhanced ionic transport via surface charge overscreening. Electrostatic correlations can reduce the change in the mobility by ≈60% in a monovalent electrolyte, whereas the stronger electrostatic correlations in a divalent electrolyte can even reduce the change by an order of magnitude. The model developed from this work can be used to understand and predict diffusioosmosis in natural settings such as metamorphic transformation, in addition to that in applications such as colloidal species separation, nanoparticle drug delivery, and enhanced oil recovery.