Issue 22, 2024

Progress of research on purification of CH4 from a CH4/CO2/N2 mixture by pressure swing adsorption


The high methane (CH4) content of landfill gas, biogas, and coal bed methane (CBM) makes them attractive substitutes for natural gas. Nevertheless, the calorific value of the energy produced by burning as well as the overall effectiveness of energy gas use are both reduced in the presence of impurity gases, such as CO2 and N2. Thus, achieving the effective separation of CH4 from CO2 and N2 is crucial for increasing energy efficiency, reducing the greenhouse effect, and achieving the dual-carbon aim. This is also the key to enriching and concentrating this kind of gas energy and using it efficiently. With a focus on the development of carbon-based materials, zeolite molecular sieves, and metal–organic frameworks in the field of CO2/CH4/N2 separation in recent years, this paper primarily addresses the types of adsorbents, molecular simulation, and process optimization involved in the purification of CH4 by variable pressure adsorption. Finally, the development bottlenecks and application prospects of different adsorbents in CH4 purification applications are foreseen in conjunction with basic research and process evaluation.

Graphical abstract: Progress of research on purification of CH4 from a CH4/CO2/N2 mixture by pressure swing adsorption

Article information

Article type
Review Article
10 Jul 2024
21 Sep 2024
First published
14 Oct 2024

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024,8, 5077-5090

Progress of research on purification of CH4 from a CH4/CO2/N2 mixture by pressure swing adsorption

S. Li, N. Wu, Y. Gong and L. Wang, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024, 8, 5077 DOI: 10.1039/D4SE00919C

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