Issue 1, 2024

Pure measures of bending for soft plates


This paper, originally motivated by a question raised by Wood and Hanna [Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 2411], shows that pure measures of bending for soft plates can be defined by introducing the class of bending-neutral deformations, which represent finite incremental changes in the plate's shape that do not induce any additional bending. This class of deformations is subject to a geometric compatibility condition, which is fully characterized. A tensorial pure measure of bending, which is invariant under bending-neutral deformations, is described in detail. As shown by an illustrative class of examples, the general notion of a pure measure of bending could be useful in formulating direct theories for soft plates, where stretching and bending energies are treated separately.

Graphical abstract: Pure measures of bending for soft plates

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Article type
25 Aug 2023
08 Nov 2023
First published
14 Nov 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 144-151

Pure measures of bending for soft plates

E. G. Virga, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 144 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01123B

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