Issue 16, 2024

Conductive nanocomposite hydrogels for flexible wearable sensors


In recent years, flexible wearable electronics have been widely used in smart wearable devices, micro-robots, and sensors due to their seamless integration with the human body and long-term monitoring capabilities. Hydrogels with good biocompatibility, versatility, and tunable mechanical properties compared to elastomers are becoming increasingly prominent in flexible electronics. Among them, conductive nanocomposite hydrogels have been extensively studied for their combination of multiple materials, resulting in higher elasticity, superior mechanical properties, and better physical/chemical/biological/electrical properties. Herein, we review the recent research advances in conductive nanocomposite hydrogels for sensor applications. First, we discuss the characteristics, design strategies, and applications of conductive nanocomposite hydrogels with different conductive compositions, including those based on carbon-based nanomaterials, polymer nanofillers, metal nanofillers, and the emerging 2D materials MXenes. Second, the properties of conductive nanocomposite hydrogels are described in detail, such as their mechanical properties, adhesion properties, self-healing properties, and anti-freezing properties. Finally, the design of future nanocomposite conducting hydrogel sensors is presented with their perspectives and challenges.

Graphical abstract: Conductive nanocomposite hydrogels for flexible wearable sensors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
28 Dec 2023
04 Mar 2024
First published
27 Mar 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 9371-9399

Conductive nanocomposite hydrogels for flexible wearable sensors

W. Guo and M. Ma, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 9371 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA08069B

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