Issue 47, 2024

Towards advanced N-rich energetic explosives: based on tetrazole and triazole groups with large conjugated systems and extensive hydrogen bonds


Developing a new generation of increased energy, stability, and easily applicable N-rich energetic materials to replace RDX and HMX has posed significant challenges over the past decade. This work presents the design and synthesis of a series of novel N-rich energetic materials (N1 to N3 series) based on the triazole–tetrazole system. Among these, the N3 series demonstrates exceptional detonation performance and stability. It is noteworthy that the N3-3 molecule has achieved the best overall performance among N-rich energetic materials, with an onset decomposition temperature of 302 °C and a detonation velocity of 9341 m s−1, which significantly surpasses that of HMX. Additionally, structural studies of the N1 molecule reveal that the positioning effect of the nitro group and steric hindrance within the molecule disrupt the planar characteristics of the triazole–tetrazole system. In contrast, the amino group in the N3 series enhances molecular planarity, facilitating the formation of large conjugated systems and extensive hydrogen bond networks in N-rich energetic materials. This approach effectively enhances the stability of energetic material molecules and offers valuable insights for the development and design of stable N-rich energetic compounds.

Graphical abstract: Towards advanced N-rich energetic explosives: based on tetrazole and triazole groups with large conjugated systems and extensive hydrogen bonds

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Article information

Article type
10 Sep 2024
06 Nov 2024
First published
14 Nov 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 33249-33256

Towards advanced N-rich energetic explosives: based on tetrazole and triazole groups with large conjugated systems and extensive hydrogen bonds

G. Zhang, X. Hao, Y. Zou, S. Liu, J. Wei, Z. Dong and Z. Ye, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 33249 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06447J

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