Issue 47, 2024

Siloxane engineered polydiketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives with improved crystallinity and doping efficiency for thermoelectric power generation


Siloxane side engineered conjugated polymers exhibit good film forming capabilities and have been reported for a variety of advanced energy applications. However, their potential for regulating polymer crystallinity to achieve high thermoelectric (TE) properties remains unexplored. In this study, siloxane side-chained diketopyrrolopyrrole polymers (PDPPSix, where x is the molar ratio of the siloxane side chain) and their corresponding FeCl3-doped films were designed and synthesized by the solution-processed drop-casting method to improve the thermoelectric properties. The results show that the addition of siloxane side chains enhances the crystallinity and doping efficiency of the DPPSix polymers and thus improves the conductivity and TE performance. It is worth noting that the 5-min FeCl3-doped PDPPSi50 film exhibits excellent thermoelectric properties, with an electronic conductivity of 66.29 S cm−1 and a maximum power factor (PF) of 38.6 μW m−1 K−2, which are about 7-fold and 3-fold higher than those of polymer films without siloxane side chains, respectively. The synergistic effect between siloxane side chains and FeCl3 doping significantly increases the charge carrier concentration and mobility and enhances the conductivity and thermoelectric efficiency of DPP-based TE polymers. This study highlights the potential of solution-processed, inorganic-doped, and side chain engineered conjugated polymer films for enhancing thermoelectric power generation.

Graphical abstract: Siloxane engineered polydiketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives with improved crystallinity and doping efficiency for thermoelectric power generation

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Oct 2024
06 Nov 2024
First published
07 Nov 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 33203-33211

Siloxane engineered polydiketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives with improved crystallinity and doping efficiency for thermoelectric power generation

S. Hussain, Y. Wu, Z. Chen, Z. Luo, F. Zhong, Y. Chen, C. Gao and L. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 33203 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA07160C

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