Issue 5, 2024

Tumor-targeting polymer nanohybrids with amplified ROS generation for combined photodynamic and chemodynamic therapy


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generating strategies have been widely adopted for cancer therapy, but therapeutic efficacies are often low due to the complicated tumor microenvironment. In this study, we present the development of tumor-targeting polymer nanohybrids that amplify ROS generation by combining photodynamic therapy (PDT) and chemodynamic therapy (CDT) for cancer treatment. Such polymer nanohybrids contained three main components: a semiconducting polymer (SP) that acted as the photosensitizer for PDT, manganese dioxide (MnO2) that acted as the catalyst for CDT, and transferrin that mediated tumor targeting via binding to transferrin receptors overexpressed on the surface of tumor cells. The formed nanohybrids (TSM) showed obviously enhanced accumulation efficacy in tumor sites because of their targeting ability. In tumor sites, TSM produced singlet oxygen (1O2) under near-infrared (NIR) laser irradiation and a hydroxyl radical (˙OH) via reacting with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which resulted in amplified generation of ROS to achieve PDT/CDT combinational therapy. The growth of subcutaneous 4T1 tumors was remarkably inhibited via TSM-mediated treatment. In addition, this therapeutic efficacy could suppress tumor metastasis in the liver and lungs. This study presents a targeting hybrid nanoplatform to combine different ROS generating strategies for effective cancer therapy.

Graphical abstract: Tumor-targeting polymer nanohybrids with amplified ROS generation for combined photodynamic and chemodynamic therapy

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Article information

Article type
08 Oct 2023
19 Dec 2023
First published
20 Dec 2023

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 1296-1306

Tumor-targeting polymer nanohybrids with amplified ROS generation for combined photodynamic and chemodynamic therapy

X. Chen, D. Cheng, N. Yu, J. Feng, J. Li and L. Lin, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 1296 DOI: 10.1039/D3TB02341A

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