Issue 33, 2024

Photo-responsive anti-fouling polyzwitterionic brushes: a mesoscopic simulation


The antifouling effects of a toothbrush-shaped photo-responsive polyzwitterionic membrane were studied via dissipative particle dynamics simulations in this work. The results reveal that the membrane modified by spiropyran methacrylate brushes displays photo-switchable and antifouling capability due to the photo-induced ring-opening reaction. Namely, surface morphology and hydrophilicity change in response to visible or UV light irradiation, which can be observed visually by protein adsorption and desorption. Further study indicates that: (1) brush-modification density can influence the structure and properties of the membrane. With low modification density, systems cannot establish an intact selective layer, which hinders the antifouling ability; as the modification density increases, the intact selective layer can be formed, which is conducive to the expression of photo-responsiveness and antifouling capability. (2) Factors of toothbrush-hair length and grafting ratio can influence the establishment of a light-responsive surface: as the grafting ratio and toothbrush-hair length increase, the light-responsive surface is gradually formed, meanwhile, the antifouling ability can be continuously reinforced under UV light irradiation. (3) As the brushes switch into a zwitterionic merocyanine state under UV exposure, the selective layer swelling becomes stronger than that with a hydrophobic spiropyran state under visible exposure. This is owing to the enhanced interaction between zwitterionic brushes and water, which is the root of the antifouling effect. The present work is expected to provide some guidelines for the design and development of novel antifouling membrane surfaces.

Graphical abstract: Photo-responsive anti-fouling polyzwitterionic brushes: a mesoscopic simulation

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Article information

Article type
26 Apr 2024
21 Jun 2024
First published
27 Jun 2024

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 8076-8086

Photo-responsive anti-fouling polyzwitterionic brushes: a mesoscopic simulation

Z. Miao and J. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 8076 DOI: 10.1039/D4TB00899E

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