Tea helps neuromorphic computing: flexible memristors from tea polyphenols†
Employing naturally abundant bio-materials in fabrication of electronic devices is promising for the development of an eco-friendly community. Herein, we report that tea polyphenols (TPs) can be used as small molecule active materials for the fabrication of flexible bio-memristors. The good water solubility of TPs enables simple solution deposition of a uniform Ag+ doped TP layer, while the pyrogallol and catechol groups in TPs can reduce Ag+ into Ag nanoparticles that facilitate the growth of conductive filaments. The TP-based memristor exhibited reversible volatile switching characteristics associated with the ion diffusive dynamics in the dielectric layer, and simulated synaptic plasticity and integrate-and-fire properties of neurons. Moreover, we successfully obtained flexible memristors, which exhibited good resistive switching properties under mechanical pressure and could operate as artificial neurons. This work paves a promising way for developing eco-friendly and biocompatible wearable neuromorphic computing systems using sustainable natural materials.
- This article is part of the themed collection: 2024 Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers