Issue 11, 2025

Structurally isomeric ditopic 2-mercaptobenzoxazole and 2-hydroxybenzothiazole as ligands for design of 2D sodium-based luminescent coordination polymers


The novel ditopic centrosymmetric soft-base ligands 3,7-dihydrobenzo[1,2-d:4,5-d′]bis(oxazole)-2,6-dithione (H2L1) and 3,7-dihydrobenzo[1,2-d:4,5-d′]bis(thiazole)-2,6-dione (H2L2) were obtained via a one-pot method. Both compounds form 2D coordination polymers (CPs) through the reaction of free ligands with sodium bis(trismethylsilyl)amide in various solvent media. H2L1 containing products were [Na2L1(DME)2]n (1) and [Na2L1(DMSO)4]n (2), and for H2L2, [Na6L23(DMSO)12]n (3) was formed. X-ray analysis revealed that compound 1 is a 2D CP, in which deprotonated H2L1 acts as a tetratopic linker, linking four sodium atoms via nitrogen and bridging sulfur. Unlike 1, in CP 2, deprotonated H2L1 acts as a ditopic linker coordinating sodium atoms in an unprecedented Na4O4 metallocenter formed by the oxygens of DMSO molecules. Compound 3 is a 2D CP featuring rare Na3O6 secondary building unit (SBU), whereas H2L2 exhibits both bridging and mixed chelating/bridging mode, linking four sodium atoms via nitrogen and oxygen atoms. Despite the fact that free ligands H2L1 and H2L2 are non-luminescent in solution and in the solid state, their deprotonated forms at 298 K in DME media demonstrate moderate photoluminescence (PL) in DME solutions with broad bands in the range of 360–500 nm. At 77 K, the same solutions show broadened and intense PL consisting of bands in the 360–670 nm region corresponding to ligand fluorescence and phosphorescence. CPs 1–3 in the solid state exhibit PL at 298 and 77 K. At 298 K, CPs 1 and 3 exhibit intense fluorescence in the range of 370–450 nm and moderate microsecond timescale phosphorescence in the range of 500–670 nm, while CP 2 exhibits only fluorescence. Upon cooling to 77 K, all three CPs demonstrate both fluorescence and phosphorescence. Based on the low-temperature phosphorescence spectra of 1 and 3 in DME solutions, the triplet energy levels of H2L1 and H2L2 were established at 21 000 and 20 800 cm−1, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Structurally isomeric ditopic 2-mercaptobenzoxazole and 2-hydroxybenzothiazole as ligands for design of 2D sodium-based luminescent coordination polymers

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Article information

Article type
10 Dec 2024
28 Jan 2025
First published
04 Feb 2025

Dalton Trans., 2025,54, 4589-4598

Structurally isomeric ditopic 2-mercaptobenzoxazole and 2-hydroxybenzothiazole as ligands for design of 2D sodium-based luminescent coordination polymers

A. F. Rogozhin, V. A. Ilichev, D. I. Pavlov and M. N. Bochkarev, Dalton Trans., 2025, 54, 4589 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT03427A

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