Issue 3, 2025

High thermoelectric conversion through an optimal contribution of electronic carriers in polymeric mixed ionic–electronic conducting films


The optimal contribution of electronic carriers in polymeric mixed ionic–electronic conducting (MIEC) films was explored to achieve high thermoelectric (TE) conversion at a low temperature gradient (ΔT) using poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) (P), potassium ferricyanide (F), and well-dispersed graphene flakes (G). In this composite (PFG) film, the active carriers were identified as CN and electrons. The sulfonate groups in P effectively dispersed the graphene flakes into nanoscale electronic channels, while P and F provided ionic channels for CN transport. By systematically varying the G content and humidity, a series of MIECs with broad electronic (σe) and ionic (σi) conductivity ranges were developed. Among these, the PFG film containing 3 wt% G (PFG3) exhibited a remarkable total Seebeck coefficient (S) of over −40 mV K−1 under conditions of a ΔT of 5.3 K, 80% RH and room temperature. Additionally, PFG3 demonstrated a stable voltage output (Vout) even after 3000 s. From the residual Vout, the electronic Seebeck coefficient (Se) was determined to be −990 μV K−1, the highest value reported for polymeric TE films. The simultaneous enhancement of Se and S in the same film indicated an optimized balance of electronic and ionic carrier contributions, further confirmed by the transference numbers and the conductivity ratio (σe/σi). The power density (PD) of the PFGs was also found to depend on σe/σi, underscoring the importance of controlling carrier contributions. Despite its MIEC nature, PFG3 efficiently transported electronic carriers through G channels, and the relationship of Sevs. σe aligned with a degenerate electronic model for PFGs. Scaling up the PFG3 film into a TE module yielded an energy density of 36.0 J m−2 and a PD of 18.6 mW m−2 for a ΔT of 4.9 K. The practical potential of the PFG system was demonstrated by successfully powering a diode for an extended period using TE energy harvesting and light-triggered photo-TE systems, highlighting the versatility and promise of this material for low-grade thermal energy applications.

Graphical abstract: High thermoelectric conversion through an optimal contribution of electronic carriers in polymeric mixed ionic–electronic conducting films

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Article information

Article type
19 Jul 2024
26 Nov 2024
First published
02 Dec 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2025,18, 1294-1309

High thermoelectric conversion through an optimal contribution of electronic carriers in polymeric mixed ionic–electronic conducting films

C. Cho, B. Kim, S. Park and E. Kim, Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, 18, 1294 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE03185G

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