Volume 257, 2025

Nafion coated nanopore electrode for improving electrochemical aptamer-based biosensing


The transition to a personalized point-of-care model in medicine will fundamentally change the way medicine is practiced, leading to better patient care. Electrochemical biosensors based on structure-switching aptamers can contribute to this medical revolution due to the feasibility and convenience of selecting aptamers for specific targets. Recent studies have reported that nanostructured electrodes can enhance the signals of aptamer-based biosensors. However, miniaturized systems and body fluid environments pose challenges such as signal-to-noise ratio reduction and biofouling. To address these issues, researchers have proposed various electrode coating materials, including zwitterionic materials, biocompatible polymers and hybrid membranes. Nafion, a commonly used ion exchange membrane, is known for its excellent permselectivity and anti-biofouling properties, making it a suitable choice for biosensor systems. However, the performance and mechanism of Nafion-coated aptamer-based biosensor systems have not been thoroughly studied. In this work, we present a Nafion-coated gold nanoporous electrode, which excludes Nafion from the nanoporous structures and allows the aptamers immobilized inside the nanopores to freely detect chosen targets. The nanopore electrode is formed by a sputtering and dealloying process, resulting in a pore size in tens of nanometers. The biosensor is optimized by adjusting the electrochemical measurement parameters, aptamer density, Nafion thickness and nanopore size. Furthermore, we propose an explanation for the unusual signaling behavior of the aptamers confined within the nanoporous structures. This work provides a generalizable platform to investigate membrane-coated aptamer-based biosensors.

Graphical abstract: Nafion coated nanopore electrode for improving electrochemical aptamer-based biosensing

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14 Jul 2024
14 Aug 2024
First published
14 Aug 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Faraday Discuss., 2025,257, 316-332

Nafion coated nanopore electrode for improving electrochemical aptamer-based biosensing

G. F. Huldin, J. Huang, J. Reitemeier and K. X. Fu, Faraday Discuss., 2025, 257, 316 DOI: 10.1039/D4FD00144C

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