Mass transfer kinetics of Cr(vi) adsorption on a green mussel shell-polyethersulfone membrane
Cr(VI) is toxic to human health and aquatic life, requiring removal from contaminated water. Green mussel shells incorporated into a polyethersulfone (GMSPES) membrane were designed to create a flat sheet adsorptive membrane crossflow treatment permeator (FSAMCFTP) to remove Cr(VI) from a synthetic solution (SS). The physicochemical properties of the GMSPES membrane were verified using a scanning electron microscope, atomic force microscope, and water contact angle goniometer. The adsorption capacities of GMSPES0.5, GMSPES1.0 and GMSPES1.5 were found to be as high as 13.41, 15.24 and 10.84 mg g−1, respectively. The numerical simulation of data using generalized Fulazzaky equations enabled the prediction of the mechanisms and kinetics of external, internal and global mass transfers for the adsorption of Cr(VI) on the GMSPES membrane. Comparison of external and internal mass transfers facilitated the determination of mass transfer resistance, with the internal mass transfer rate beginning at 0.16 h, while the external mass transfer rate dominated for 3.00 h of the experiment. The verification of Cr(VI) adsorption by the GMSPES membrane with different GMS/PES ratios provides a comprehensive understanding of the FSAMCFTP process, contributing to the advancement of adsorptive membrane technology.