Issue 6, 2025

Fabrication of novel ternary g-C3N4/Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4/rGO hybrid nanocomposites for humidity sensing


This research focuses on the fabrication of novel ternary g-C3N4/Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4/rGO hybrid nanocomposites (NCs) for humidity sensing applications. The integration of carbon based two dimensional (2D) materials—reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)—with spinel ferrite nanoparticles (Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4) in a ternary configuration aims to exploit their distinct properties synergistically, enhancing humidity sensing capabilities. Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4, Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4/rGO, and g-C3N4/Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4 have been synthesized for comparison. The study involves the synthesis process, structural characterization, and evaluation of humidity sensing performance. X-ray peak profiling reveals that the crystallite sizes of the composites are ∼10–14 nm, whereas the particle size range is 6–25 nm from transmission electron microscopy. The XPS survey of the NCs has shown good interaction with water molecules by adsorption processes, which indicates the suitability of the materials for humidity sensing. The dielectric and magnetic properties of the NCs were studied in detail. The fabricated nanocomposites exhibit promising results, showing sensitivity to varying humidity levels of 11–98% with good response and recovery characteristics. The investigation into the nanoscale interactions between different components seeks to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the enhanced sensing properties, with potential applications in environmental monitoring, healthcare, and consumer electronics.

Graphical abstract: Fabrication of novel ternary g-C3N4/Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4/rGO hybrid nanocomposites for humidity sensing

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Article type
15 Jul 2024
19 Nov 2024
First published
04 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2025,7, 1489-1504

Fabrication of novel ternary g-C3N4/Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe1.8Mn0.2O4/rGO hybrid nanocomposites for humidity sensing

M. Rahman, Md. L. Rahman, B. Biswas, Md. F. Ahmed, Md. A. Ali Shaikh, S. A. Jahan and N. Sharmin, Nanoscale Adv., 2025, 7, 1489 DOI: 10.1039/D4NA00579A

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