Issue 5, 2025

Band structure and magnetism engineering of InSe monolayers through doping with IVA- and VA-group atoms: role of impurities


In this work, we investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of the InSe monolayer enriched by doping with IVA-group (Si and Ge) and VA-group (P and As) atoms. Both In and Se sublattices are considered as doping sites to realize n- and p-type doping (XIn@InSe and XSe@InSe systems, X = Si, Ge, P, and As), respectively. The pristine InSe monolayer is an indirect gap semiconductor with a band gap of 1.41 eV. n-Doping processes preserve the monolayer's nonmagnetic nature. IVA-group impurities lead to monolayer metallization, while a considerable band gap reduction is induced by doping with VA-group atoms. The band gap also decreases considerably when realizing p-type doping with IVA-group atoms. In contrast, monolayer magnetization is achieved by p-type doping when replacing Se atoms with P and As atoms, leading to the formation of new 2D magnetic semiconductors. In these cases, VA-group impurities mainly produce the system's magnetism. Furthermore, our calculations also provide evidence for the emergence of magnetism in the InSe monolayer through doping with pair impurities (pX@InSe systems), where Si2/Ge2 (incorporated at the Se sublattice) and P1/As1 (incorporated at the In sublattice) dopant atoms play a key role in determining the electronic and magnetic properties of respective pair-atom-doped systems. Herein, the magnetic semiconductor nature of pSi@InSe and pGe@InSe systems is confirmed, while pAs@InSe is found to be a half-metallic system. Our results suggest the usefulness of doping with IVA- and VA-group atoms that can serve as an effective strategy to functionalize the InSe monolayer, providing insights into the role of impurities.

Graphical abstract: Band structure and magnetism engineering of InSe monolayers through doping with IVA- and VA-group atoms: role of impurities

Article information

Article type
05 Dec 2024
04 Jan 2025
First published
23 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2025,7, 1443-1451

Band structure and magnetism engineering of InSe monolayers through doping with IVA- and VA-group atoms: role of impurities

N. T. Han, J. Guerrero-Sanchez and D. M. Hoat, Nanoscale Adv., 2025, 7, 1443 DOI: 10.1039/D4NA01013B

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