Multiple stimuli dual-optical mode responsive hybrid copper(i) halides for advanced anti-counterfeiting and information encryption†
Hybrid Cu(I)-based halides possess significant potential in optical anti-counterfeiting due to their diverse crystal structures and unique optical properties. Nevertheless, the synthesis of multi-optical mode responsive hybrid Cu-based halides remains a formidable challenge for achieving high-security optical encryption. Herein, two hybrid Cu-based halides featuring distinct [Cu2I4]2− and [Cu4I6]2− inorganic units, namely (MePPh3)2Cu2I4·DMF and (MePPh3)2Cu4I6 (MePPh3+ = C19H18P+), are obtained through solvent volatilization. The colorless (MePPh3)2Cu2I4·DMF crystals exhibit cyan emission upon UV light irradiation, whereas the yellow (MePPh3)2Cu4I6 crystals emit vivid yellow photoluminescence under either UV or blue light. Furthermore, the structural transformation from (MePPh3)2Cu2I4·DMF to (MePPh3)2Cu4I6 can be triggered by ethanol, inducing changes in both the visual crystal color and luminescence color, thus showcasing a dual-optical mode response. Benefiting from these unusual properties, optical anti-counterfeiting and information encryption systems are constructed based on these hybrid metal halides. This work not only enriches the stimulus-responsive hybrid halide family, but also provides a novel platform for multifaceted applications in advanced anti-counterfeiting and information encryption.