Issue 6, 2025

Synthesis and chiral self-sorting of spirobifluorene-containing boronate ester cages


2,2′-Functionalization induces axial chirality within the orthogonal aromatic scaffold of 9,9′-bispirofluorene. By implementing boronic acids at these positions, well-suited precursors for chiral boronate ester cages are generated. As a key intermediate, (P)-9,9′-bispirofluorene-2,2′-bistriflate (P)-5 was synthesized via a four-step sequence of twofold Friedel–Crafts acylation, Baeyer–Villiger oxidation, hydrolysis, and triflate formation. Chiral resolution was achieved via chiral HPLC for the dihydroxy intermediate. In a modular manner, Pd-catalyzed borylation or cross-coupling afforded either diboronic acid (P)-B* or elongated derivative (P)-B*Ph possessing additional phenylene spacers. For both enantiomerically pure linkers, reaction with hexahydroxy tribenzotriquinacene A in THF under water-removing conditions afforded isoreticular chiral organic cages (P,P,P)-A2B*3 and (P,P,P)-A2B*Ph3. Both cages possess a chiral trigonal–bipyramidal geometry and were characterized by 1H, 13C and DOSY NMR spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Chiral self-sorting of the bispirofluorene precursors was investigated by reactions of A with racemic linkers rac-B* and rac-B*Ph. For shorter linker rac-B*, quantitative self-sorting into a racemic mixture of (P,P,P)-A2B*3 and (M,M,M)-A2B*3 occurred. For elongated derivative rac-B*Ph however, the increased flexibility introduced by the phenylene extension resulted in much lower selectivity and self-recognition. Instead a more complex product mixture was obtained and the racemic mixture of A2B*Ph3 was isolated in much lower yield of around 20%. Semiempirical PM6 calculations for both homo- and heterochiral cages and macrocyclic intermediates allowed for an estimation of macrocyclic strain energies and provided in-depth insight into cage formation pathways and self-sorting properties.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and chiral self-sorting of spirobifluorene-containing boronate ester cages

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Article type
Research Article
25 Oct 2024
21 Jan 2025
First published
22 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Org. Chem. Front., 2025,12, 1763-1771

Synthesis and chiral self-sorting of spirobifluorene-containing boronate ester cages

N. Schäfer, L. Glanz, A. Lützen and F. Beuerle, Org. Chem. Front., 2025, 12, 1763 DOI: 10.1039/D4QO02012J

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