Issue 3, 2025

Enhanced H2 recovery by coupling the water–gas shift reaction with in situ CO2 capture and mineralization using earth abundant Ca- and Mg-silicates and hydroxides


Decarbonization of clean energy carriers such as H2 by coherent integration of multiphase chemical pathways with inherent carbon mineralization is a thermodynamically downhill pathway designed for a sustainable climate, energy, and environmental future. In this effort, a low-temperature water–gas shift reaction (WGSR) with Pt/Al2O3 catalysts is integrated with in situ carbon mineralization in a multiphase reaction environment. The hypothesis that Pt-based catalysts favor selective formation of H2 over CH4 has been investigated. H2 yields increased by 30.8%, 9.5%, 8.3%, and 1.7% in the presence of Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2, Mg2SiO4, and CaSiO3 relative to the blank experiment without the sorbent at constant experimental conditions of 250 °C and reaction time of 12 hours in the presence of Pt/Al2O3 catalyst with initial CO and N2 pressures of 8 bar and 12 bar, respectively. These studies unlock the feasibility of advancing single-step multiphase pathways for enhancing H2 yields with inherent CO2 capture and mineralization for a low carbon and sustainable energy and resource future.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced H2 recovery by coupling the water–gas shift reaction with in situ CO2 capture and mineralization using earth abundant Ca- and Mg-silicates and hydroxides

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Article type
02 Oct 2024
28 Nov 2024
First published
03 Dec 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

React. Chem. Eng., 2025,10, 576-592

Enhanced H2 recovery by coupling the water–gas shift reaction with in situ CO2 capture and mineralization using earth abundant Ca- and Mg-silicates and hydroxides

X. Gao, D. Prasad, M. A. Mahadik and G. Gadikota, React. Chem. Eng., 2025, 10, 576 DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00480A

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