Issue 1, 2025

Synergistic global and local flexibilities in Zr-based metal–organic frameworks enable sequential sieving of hexane isomers


Separating hexane isomers based on the branching degree is crucial for their efficient utilization in the petrochemical industry, yet remains challenging due to their similar properties. Here we report a temperature-responsive Zr-based metal–organic framework, Zr-fum-FA, capable of sequentially sieving linear, mono-, and di-branched hexane isomers. Notably, the pore structure of Zr-fum-FA dynamically transforms from segmented triangular channels to an integrated rhombic configuration as the temperature increases, leading to distinct sieving effects. At low temperatures, the narrow triangular pores allow the exclusive adsorption of n-hexane while excluding branched isomers. In contrast, the expanded rhombic pores at high temperatures enable the sieving of mono- and di-branched isomers. Mechanistic studies reveal that this unique dual-sieving behavior originates from the synergistic effects of the global framework flexibility and the local dynamics of pendent hydroxyl groups. Furthermore, we demonstrate the decoupling of global and local flexibilities via two strategies: incorporating steric hindrance to dampen the global framework dynamics and enhancing the metal node rigidity to limit the local vibrations. These findings not only provide a promising adsorbent for the challenging separation of hexane isomers but also offer rational design principles for harnessing flexibility in MOFs.

Graphical abstract: Synergistic global and local flexibilities in Zr-based metal–organic frameworks enable sequential sieving of hexane isomers

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
27 Aug 2024
25 Oct 2024
First published
28 Oct 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 182-190

Synergistic global and local flexibilities in Zr-based metal–organic frameworks enable sequential sieving of hexane isomers

R. Chen, J. Li, F. Zheng, F. Zhou, B. Sheng, B. Liu, Q. Yang, Z. Zhang, Q. Ren and Z. Bao, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 182 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC05749J

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