Issue 7, 2025

A multi-body finite element model for hydrogel packings: linear response to shear


We study a multi-body finite element model of a packing of hydrogel particles using the Flory–Rehner constitutive law to model the deformation of the swollen polymer network. We show that while the dependence of the pressure, Π, on the effective volume fraction, ϕ, is virtually identical to a monolithic Flory material, the shear modulus, μ, behaves in a non-trivial way. μ increases monotonically with Π from zero and remains below about 80% of the monolithic Flory value at the largest Π we study here. The local shear strain in the particles has a large spatial variation. Local strains near the centers of the particles are all roughly equal to the applied shear strain, but the local strains near the contact facets are much smaller and depend on the orientation of the facet. We show that the slip between particles at the facets depends strongly on the orientation of the facet and is, on average, proportional to the component of the applied shear strain resolved onto the facet orientation. This slip screens the stress transmission and results in a reduction of the shear modulus relative to what one would obtain if the particles were welded together at the facet. Surprisingly, given the reduction in the shear modulus arising from the facet slip, and the spatial variations in the local shear strain inside the particles themselves, the deformation of the particle centroids is rather homogeneous with the strains of the Delaunay triangles having fluctuations of only order ±5%. These results should open the way to construction of quantitative estimates of the shear modulus in highly compressed packings via mean-field, effective-medium type approaches.

Graphical abstract: A multi-body finite element model for hydrogel packings: linear response to shear

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Article type
30 Jul 2024
20 Jan 2025
First published
21 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Soft Matter, 2025,21, 1363-1372

A multi-body finite element model for hydrogel packings: linear response to shear

A. Elgailani and C. E. Maloney, Soft Matter, 2025, 21, 1363 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00916A

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